By | August 28, 2016
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Tankless Water Heater Flush Kit

Tankless Water Heater Flush Kit tankless service valves

Tankless water heater valves at –

The first thing you will need is the service valves to accommodate a quick connect tankless water heater flush kit. Without these valves added to the tankless water heater flushing the system is next to impossible. The service valves consist of two pieces, a valve for the inlet and a valve for the outlet of the water heater. With these two valves in place, it is extremely easy to connect the flush kit to the water heater and initiate a flush within minutes.

Tankless Water Heater Flush Kit tankless service kit hoses

Washing machine hose pairs at –


With these valves in place, you now have a place for hoses to connect to the water heater. Next, you need two hoses. The hoses you will need are washing machine hoses. A long set(6 feet or more) of hoses will make flushing much simpler. Measure from the floor(where your bucket will be during flushing) to the valves.

Tankless Water Heater Flush Kit Tankless service kit pump

1/4 hp Sump Pump at –

The Pump

You need a pump, to pump the solution that will help descale the tankless water heater.  A 1/6 hp sump pump has the flow needed that will circulate the solution many times within the required time frame. The pump must have a garden hose adapter to connect to the washing machine hose.

Tankless Water Heater Flush Kit Tankless service kit bucket with lid

5-gallon bucket with lid at –

A 5-7 Gallon Bucket with Lid

The next two things needed to put the kit together is a bucket with a lid and the solution to run through the water heater. The bucket needs to have a lid as this is where you will store the pump and hoses when not being used. The lid will keep the unit clean until the next service cycle.


The bucket also acts as the reservoir for the solution to be pumped through the water heater.

Cleaning Solution

I talked to the service techs when they installed my tankless water heater. I asked them what they used when they flushed out tankless water heaters. They said that they used vinegar when they flushed out the system. So vinegar it is. About 3-4 gallons for each flush.

Heinz Cleaning Vinegar, 1 gal – at

So there you have it a complete kit that will connect to your tankless water heater and keep it working in tip-top condition. With a convenient storage container to keep the parts clean until the next time, you need your tankless water heater flush kit.

Need the procedure to flush the tankless water heater with your new kit?

Related Article: Flushing the tankless water heater




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